LANCE HENDERSTEIN: Writer and Photographer Working Between Italy and Japan
In this episode of Nonnative Creative, meet writer and photographer Lance Henderstein. Lance was born in Detroit, Michigan (USA) and is now based in Italy (though he moves between Italy and Japan for his work). Growing up, he moved around a lot and learned how to quickly make friends wherever he was. As a result, he became interested in the different ways people spoke in different parts of the US, and this led to him exploring languages. After a year spent at art school, Lance shifted to focusing on East Asian studies in university. He did a study abroad program in Shiga, Japan, then participated in a one-year language-intensive exchange program. Over the years, he developed his skills in visual arts and writing. Today, he works as a copywriter and a photographer. His work includes travel articles and travel guides (for media outlets like the BBC, VICE, and Vanity Fair Italia). This talk covers some of the realities of working in travel media today. It also explores the changing nature of photography in an increasingly social media-driven world. Lance shares tips for pitching projects and developing your own artistic sense.
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Find Lance on Instagram, Twitter, or via his homepage.